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Student Training in Entrepreneurship Programme
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Entrepreneurship is a life skill students and teachers need in the 21st century to fulfil theirpotential and contribute to society. What does it mean to be entrepreneurial? How does one know when they have succeeded?

This programme aims to equip both youth and secondary teachers with an entrepreneurial mindset and network so that they can innovate a sustainable future. By adopting the European Commission’s Entrecomp framework which highlights 15 core competencies, we hope to equip students and teachers alike with skills such as creativity, spotting opportunities, learning through experience and perseverance.

Through activities such as inviting entrepreneurs to share their stories, teaching students and teachers how to use Design Thinking as a problem-solving tool through an interactive workshop and organising case study competitions for students with companies that are facing 21st-century challenges, students can learn through these hands-on experiences and practice how to interact with others, build self-confidence and give students an opportunity to understand first-hand what problems that companies are trying to solve in the current future of work.

Additionally, in order to reach more students and equip them with an entrepreneurial mindset, the programme will use a train-the-trainer approach to train secondary school teachers with an entrepreneurial mindset and knowledge and work with select schools to implement Entrepreneurship Education as part of their school curriculum. The programme will work side by side with teachers to create lesson plans, student materials and teaching materials and support teachers with implementing their new syllabus through class observations. Through this, teachers will not only feel more equipped to help students navigate the 21st century and future of work but have the tools and knowledge to do so.


For students

  • STEP One - Entrepreneurship @ 21st Century: Interactive entrepreneur sharing seminar

  • STEP Two - Ideation Lab: Design Thinking & Pitching workshop

  • STEP Three - Enterprise Challenge: Case study competition with an opportunity to interact with company representatives to learn about the future of work


For teachers

  • Educators for the Future Lab: Tailored Design Thinking workshop for teachers to empathise with school-specific challenges

  • Design Doing - Curriculum Innovation: Entrepreneurship curriculum building with network school teachers

  • Learning Circles: Sharing event for network school teachers to share and exchange insights


For all involved in the programme

  • Pioneering Young Innovators: Yearly symposium and event to celebrate the achievements of students and teachers of the programme

Target Audience

  • Local secondary F4-5 students

  • Local secondary school teachers of any subject

Scope of Services

  • All districts, Hong Kong

  • September 2023 - August 2025


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