A survey conducted in 2019 by the organization Happy Retired found that of 490 retirees and semi-retirees more than one in 10 did not know what to do with their time, and those respondents aged 56 to 60 were the unhappiest and loneliest.
Collaborating with WWF, the two-year pilot project Hong Kong Active Aging Eco Guide Program will engage 100 retirees (age 55 - 60+) to join Eco Guide Training Courses together with other participants of all ages for maximum collaboration, integration and skill sharing. After completing the training, at least 50% of Active Aging Eco Guides expected to pass the assessment and take up part-time paid roles as Eco Guides and even have chances to tour for their own families. All qualified Eco Guides will work alongside WWF staff to deliver community engagement programs to the public at Mai Po Nature Reserve, Hoi Ha Wan Marine Park and Island House Conservation Studies Centres.
Interactive Training Program
Part-time eco-guides opportunities at Mai Po Nature Reserve, Hoi Ha Wan Marine Park and Island House Conservation Studies Centres
Strengthening Family Relations
Graduation ceremony
Festivals and events throughout the year
Target Audience
Retirees at the age of 55 to 60+
Scope of Services
All districts, Hong Kong
Sep 2019 to Sep 2021